Powers And Functions Of Office Bearers

Our vision is to create a strong network of widows. We open the door to a new world for widows, ensuring they do not go through their experience alone, but with life-long connections and lasting support. Our help comes from going through the same and similar loss, our hearts open and compassionate. We help each other to heal by telling our stories, and by being available to listen.


The Chairman shall

i) Shall be the chief executive/functional head of the NGO/Charity.

ii) Preside over the executive committee meetings. ii) Confirm minutes of the last meeting.

ii) Have a casting vote in case of a tie.

iv) Be entitled to authorize expenditure up to Rs. 100,000 in advance approvable

in the next executive committee meeting.

v) Coordinate programs and pursue for the achievement of the objectives.


He/She shall perform functions in the absence of the Chairman.


i) He/She shall prepare meeting agenda

ii) Write minutes of the meeting.

iii) Deal with correspondence and program development.

iv) Ensure implementation of Executive Committee’s decisions.

v) Be responsible for furtherance of the objectives.

vi) Be entitled to authorize an expenditure in advance up to rupees 30,000. approvable in the next Executive committee meeting.


He/She shall

(i) Maintain accounts

(ii) Submit income/expenditure statement to the executive committee meetings.

(iii) Maintain bank account jointly operable by him/her and the Chairman. Maintain an imprest amount of Rs. 20,000/.