General Body

All the regular member of the organization will be the members of the General Body. General Body Meeting will be held once in a year (January). The notice period for the said meeting shall not be less than fifteen days. 

Powers and Functions of General Body

Powers and Functions of General Body include:

i. Confirmation of the minutes of the last General Body Meeting.

ii. Approval of the annual plan for the coming and going financial years. iii. Consideration of the appointment of Auditors.

iv. One third of total membership in good standing shall constitute the quorum at any General Body Meeting or special meeting of the NGO/Charity. The decision will be made on 2/3rd majority.

v. The special meeting of the General Body and of the Executive Council shall preside by the Patron.

vi. In case of an equality of votes at a meeting the person on chair will have a Second Vote.

vii. The amendment requires in the constitution, will be made by the General Body Meeting. When deemed necessary the General Body Meeting may be called in emergency for such an amendment.

Executive Committee

i) The NGO/Charity shall be managed by Executive Body. The number of Executive Body shall never be less than 7 (seven) and will comprise of the following.


Vice Chairman(1)

General Secretary(1)

Finance Secretary(1)



ii) Upon the death or resignation of a member or upon his/her dismissal by a 2/3 majority of all the Executive Body, the remaining Executive Body may elect another person as a member in his/her place.

iii) Executive Body may from time to time by unanimous resolution or if deemed necessary by NGO/Charity, appoint any other qualified person to be an additional member for such period and on such conditions as they may deem fit.

iv) Implement decision of board of Governors as well as its own.

v) Grant expenditures approvals.

vi) Nominate scheduled bank and open an account. vii) Establish sub and/or program committee in consultation with the board of governors.

viii) Prepare progress and annual reports and arrange audited accounts.

ix) The tenure of the Executive committee shall be of three years.